Depending on the location, whether it is the heel, arch or ball of the foot, the treatment plan will vary. At Henderson Podiatry, our goal is to treat each patient CONSERVATIVELY before any surgical intervention is discussed.

Arthritic Foot Care

Arthritis is an inflammation of the cartilage and lining of the joints. Although it can present itself at any age, arthritis is primarily found in those over 50.

Each foot has 33 joints, making them easy targets for arthritis. In some cases, arthritis can be extremely painful and debilitating.

Symptoms include stiffness of joints (especially in the morning), limitation of joint movement, pain, tenderness, redness, rashes, and/or swelling in the joints.

With early treatment, the symptoms of arthritis can be lessened and managed. Treatments include limiting movement, physical therapy, exercise, anti-inflammatory medications and/or steroid injections, and orthotics.

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Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine

We know how much your foot health can impact your athletic performance, and it is our priority to help get you off of the sidelines and back in the game. Whether you are dealing with a recurring injury or an accident from the big game, we are here to support you through each step of your therapy. Below is a list of some of the most common sports and sports-related injuries we see in our office:

  • Martial Arts and Kickboxing: Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sesamoiditis, and ankle sprains. Proper stretching is vital to injury prevention, specifically, a minimum of 15 minutes before beginning exercise.
  • Aerobics: With 26 bones in the foot and impact forces reaching up to six times the force of gravity, proper shoes are essential when participating in aerobics. Shoes must provide shock absorption and proper cushioning, as well as stability.
  • Team Sports: Baseball, basketball, soccer, football, field hockey, and lacrosse often lead to foot and ankle injuries. Artificial surfaces, improper footwear, and inadequate stretching are recipes for disaster.
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Our customized treatment plans allow us to individualize your experience and help you achieve your specific goals. We aim to treat your symptoms while addressing the cause of your pain, and we will work on establishing healthy practices to prevent future injuries. As a reminder, you should always wear sport-appropriate shoes and stretch for at least 15 minutes before playing sports.

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Wound Care

Wound Care

Ulcers on the foot may not always come with pain, but they are serious conditions that should be evaluated by a medical professional. The symptoms of ulcers may include drainage, or red, inflamed tissue. To properly diagnose and develop a treatment plan x-rays may be ordered.

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Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot Care

Daily preventative care can help you decrease your risk of developing these other serious conditions like ulcers and infections. Inspecting your feet at the end of the day to look for any abnormalities, maintaining proper hygiene, keeping your feet warm in cold weather, encouraging blood flow in the feet, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle can discourage other conditions from developing.

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Geriatric Foot Care

Geriatric Foot Care

As we age, foot problems are almost inevitable and completely normal. However, there are important steps to take to make sure you stay on your feet.

Health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, and circulatory issues may cause problems that present themselves in the feet. It is very important to monitor your foot health and seek medical attention whenever you notice a problem. Below are some daily tips and tricks to keep your feet healthy.

  • Checking your feet regularly is a great way to start monitoring your foot health. Pay attention to any cuts, sores, discoloration, bruising, or anything that looks concerning. Have a family member help check the spots you cannot see.
  • Getting the blood moving in your feet is important for your circulation. Make sure to stretch, walk, stick your feet up in the air for a couple minutes when you lie down, or take a warm foot bath. This will keep your feet oxygenated, healthy, and happy.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time, especially with crossed legs.
  • Comfortable shoes that keep your feet aligned are a must.
  • Avoid cold temperatures, as it can slow down or even stop the circulation in your feet.
  • Smoking decreases blood supply and increases swelling, as well as other circulatory problems.

We will be happy to assess your specific needs and help you develop a personalized plan and routine for healthy feet. For more information on geriatric foot care or to request an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at !

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