What are custom made orthotics?
Orthotics are devices worn to correct a physical problem, restore proper function or relieve pain. Orthotics can be used for flat feet, heel pain, arch pain, persistent ankle sprains and bunions. Orthotics “brace” the feet, controlling them so our feet hit the ground at the proper angle. In our office, we utilize the ARIZE state-of-the-art digital scanner. The image is then sent to our lab via the internet where a custom-fit device is fabricated. Based on the doctor’s prescription, orthotics are designed to eliminate pressure points and muscle strain. They allow you to resume normal activities in total comfort. Children who in-toe or trip while running can definitely benefit from orthotics as their feet continue to grow in better alignment.
Custom made orthotics vs over the counter orthotics
There are approximately over 7 billion people on this earth, each born with their own individual body shape, functionality, and overall needs. Over the counter orthotics are made with the average persons foot in mind. They are mass produced specifically to target problem areas such as high or low arches, heel pain, and ball of foot pain. The overall shape and conture of the orthotics may only resolve minor issues . In the long run, studies have found that over the counter orthotics have become more problematic for users. Custom made orthotics are custom made for each individual in order to satisfy their underlying problem areas. They focus on correcting biomechanical faults which can be accompanied by musculoskeletal problems and further complaints. By choosing the right orthotic according to your disfunctionality, you will be able to feel immense improvements. Of course, the proper footwear also plays a major role in foot comfort. Our office offers a list of preferred brands of shoes that will accommodate our custom orthotics.
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Why shoes are so important for your feet:
Shoes provide us with protection, support, motion, control and stability. They can also play a role in our fashion and style.
There are many “good” shoe companies out there, however, not every shoe that a company makes will be the right shoe for your individual foot needs. Always keep in mind that the “fit” of the shoe is more important than the brand of the shoe. There should be ample room in the toe box so that your toes are not crowded or flexed. The shoe should be long enough and wide enough for your foot without having any pistoning or shifting. Another important factor in selecting the proper shoe is the stability that the shoe provides. In general terms, a flexible foot should be supported by a stable shoe. The stability and support of the shoe is best evaluated by bending and flexing the front portion of the shoe. The less the shoe moves and bends, the more stable the shoe is. Side to side and twisting of the shoe provides more information about stability.
Custom Foot Braces
Bracing can be used to treat sports injuries as well as pathology of the foot and ankle. A fiberglass cast is utilized to obtain a custom fit. Clinical indications for bracing include: tendonitis, ankle instability, arthritis and drop foot secondary to a stroke. The pediatric patient can also be fitted for a custom brace for neuromuscular conditions such as central palsy or muscular dystrophy. We also make a special brace just for soccer players. Braces can also be recommended for the elderly to prevent falls where poor balance is an issue.
We offer three types of custom foot braces for our patients. Each brace serves its own purpose to the patient in order to ensure an effective solution for each individuals complaint. Listed below are the custom foot braces we offer at. Henderson Podiatry along with helpful tips on whether or not you are eligible for a custom brace.
Do Your Kids’ Feet Hurt?
As a parent, we try to keep track of all the activities that our kids participate in: soccer, lacrosse, baseball, or volleyball. When children complain of foot pain, most pediatricians say “they’ll grow out of it.” Most of the time, this is simply not true. Biomechanical imbalances can cause instability of the leg and foot. This in turn causes in-toeing as well as out-toeing. Parents may notice the ankle rolling in, flat feet or tripping while running. All of these conditions are exacerbated when children participate in athletics. Heel pain, arch pain and knee pain are the result. At Henderson Podiatry, we offer affordable pre-fabricated as well as custom orthotics specifically designed for children.
These devices help promote proper alignment & balance and relieve excess motion and muscle fatigue. The ideal time to have your child’s gait examined is age 4. By this time, the foot should be in a “rectus” or straight line and the ankle should sit on top of the heel bone when viewed from the back. If there is a mal-alignment, there is the possibility of a flatfoot deformity. One of the most common complaints in kids is shin splints. These occur during prolonged running such as during a soccer game. The Ritchie Soccer brace is a custom ankle brace that incorporates a shin guard. It includes a custom balanced foot orthotic. It is molded to the foot using a fiberglass cast and will fit comfortably in a soccer cleat. Depending on the diagnosis, most insurance will cover the brace.
Day Splint – This device is easy to apply and can be worn comfortably with shoes. Its main purpose is to alleviate arch pain but it may also be used for achilles tendonitis and drop foot.
Night Splint – Night splints are specifically worn at night when you are sleeping. They are easy to apply and are very effective. It will provide the right amount of stretching for patients with plantar fasciitis and other common muscle conditions.
Please feel free to call our office (717) 291-0391 or (717) 464-5603 to schedule an appointment for your orthotics or braces today!